Loris Cro

Personal Website

Hi, I'm VP of Community at the Zig Software Foundation and the host of Zig SHOWTIME, a live-streamed snow that runs on my YouTube channel.

I'm also the creator of Software You Can Love, an in-person conference dedicated to celebrating the art of creating software for humans.

You can often find me livecoding and chatting about Zig on Twitch.

Open Source

Some Open Source software I created and maintain:
A static site generator written in Zig.
Zig's Autodoc Tool
The tool that generates documentation automatically for Zig projects and Zig's stdlib.
A TUI Twitch chat client designed for livecoders.
A zero-allocation Redis client for Zig that works both in blocking and async mode.
If you like what I do, I recommend sponsoring the Zig Software Foundation first and me second.


The Static Site Paradox Critical Social Infrastructure for Zig Communities The Python Package Index Should Get Rid Of Its Training Wheels The Three Hardest Problems in Software Engineering Zine: A Static Site Generator Written in Zig The First HTML LSP That Reports Syntax Errors How To Write More Blog Posts Zig Day Improving Your Zig Language Server Experience A Note About Zig Books for the Zig Community Zig's Curious Multi-Sequence For Loops Zig Is Self-Hosted Now, What's Next? The Good Parts of Open Source The First English Review of Wohpe A Conference About Software You Can Love Interfacing with Zig, a BDFL-run Project Maintain it With Zig Playing the Open Source Game The First Zig Website Redesign You Should Play Secret Hitler Zig's New Relationship with LLVM Addio Redis, I'm leaving Redis Labs What is Zig's “Colorblind” Async/Await? The Upcoming Future of Online Meetups So you're a Remote Worker Now The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Standup Why Go and not Rust? What is Zig's Comptime? I Want Simple, Not Just Easy
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